Tuesday, 31 July 2012

You know its FE Comps!!! Part I

We all are now known as S.E.Comps!
But the last one year was a fantastic!
Toooo many memories, way tooo much fun!
So my post is a dedication to the fantastic last year we had!

You know its FE Comps if,

1. You enter the class and hear words like "stucture" and "electon". Yeah, RD mam!

2. Be it any lecture, if you hear a song which goes like, Vasuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Vasuuuuuuuuuuuu Vasuuuuuuu
    Vasuuuuuuuuuu....... It definitely is FE Comps.

3.You are walking and you discover a bunch of people standing, yeah just standing and talking crap! They
    have to be FE's. No one does timepass better than us!

4.You hear a girl shouting and crying with real high frequency, Arushi Gupta it is! :D

5. You see a tall boy running behind every lunch-box possible, Yes its Mahesh Belnekar.

6.You see people strumming guitar and only around three to four people singing genuinely, the others just
   creating havoc, Akshay, Nirav, Mahesh, Ritika, Zeal, Soham.... you guys are great! :D

7. You see a guy bringing, packing and taking projector back to where it belonged, collecting assignments  
    and requesting teachers to cancel the lectures, its the CR, Akshat Shah!

8. You see a dangerous guy hanging around with electronics people more than computers! Arjun Sharma it
     is!  (Sorry ha Arjun :P ).

9. You spot two idiots fighting and being thrown out quite often due to their mischief's. Kevin Desai and
    Sanjana Agarwal!

10. You see a girl with absolutely the same expressions in all cases, Abhilasha Mittal.

11.Some guys breaking into a random dance around a guy, while the music plays "Tidin Tidin Yaye yaayeeee". Pranav Kundra is the guy in between!

12. If someone says, Systeeeem, it has to be HBV sir or it might be Siddhant Doshi as well! :P

13. You get tired of writing Schrodinger's equation but you still have to write again and again, Parag Mistry
      sir it is!

14. You see people bursting out in laughter and a lecture having maximum attendance, my favorite teacher,              
      Madhavi mam it is! :D        

15. You see people having coffee and Bingo at weird times, don't worry its official, its Natasha mam's break          

16. You see a girl climb the table do perform her mechanics experiment, due to height issues, Ritika Nevatia!

17. Pass a sheet regarding any event and we make sure it does not go empty, yes you have passed the sheet
      in FE Computers! :D

All in all its a great combination of weird, awesome, fantastic, intelligent and smart people.

(P.S. - Others will be covered in the next part, releasing tomorrow! )

Posted By: Unknown

You know its FE Comps!!! Part I


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1 comment:

  1. Hahahahaha! Epic write up!!
    Many additions await in this list ;)
    Btw, am not short heighted!!!!!!!!


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