Monday, 23 July 2012

Teko kitna aaya?

One of the most dreadful days in a students life.... A day which even the brightest of the student fears.
Before result everyone says... "Yaar ab bore ho raha hai, ab results aane chahiye!"
Lemme describe today's scene only,
With pass or fail declared Friday very early morning, we expected the results to be displayed in the college by the end of the day! But we learned SPIT was lazy and Saturday being a holiday it added to the ever increasing wait for results. And with friends from other colleges continuously asking "Kitnaa aaya?", it surely adds to the frustration!
So Monday it is and the first thing people do on entering college is check the display board!
But No! The results still weren't out! Lectures and practicals went by! It was lunch....And yet again we rushed down! But NO! Still no results! Now we were seriously cursing the exam cell for being so lazy!
2 o clock PCT lecture! A guy from our class who is standing down messages that results are out! And ya within no time the word spreads. We request (order) mam to leave us early and yes she does! Half of them rush out as fast as they can while the other half try to figure out from the sixth floor whats going on at the ground floor! And still the results are not out!! Ritika and me try pulling of a prank... We go to every class and secretly the students who are sitting close to the doors that results are out, spread the word. Creates amazing desperation amongst students sitting in lectures to just run out and check their results! ;)
We all go back to classes and unfortunately as soon as the lecture begins, results were out! This time the source was trusted! :P
And then drama begins!
No one sits normally...everyone sits half out of their benches trying to blast outta their seats as soon as teachers finishes taking the roll call!
Facial expressions begin to change, even if people laugh, they are just trying to hide their tension.
People start tapping their feet, hearts start pounding. And everyone's least bothered what the hell is going on in the lecture.
30 minutes into the lecture I couldn't understand why wasn't the teacher able to make out the disinterest on everyone's face.
Five minutes more into the lecture a student gathered courage to tell teacher that results are out, please let us go! And the other 40 erupted simultaneously, "Please mam, pleassssssssseeee! "
A little hesitation and then we were allowed to go!
So off we go! I hardly think anyone even waited for the lift....Climbing down steps as fast as we could we reached the ground floor! But then we saw other 200 students battling out with each other to get one glimpse at their totals. This didn't dim our hopes as we also joined the battle and fought hard to see the results!
Then begins the process to search the names! Assume my surname Desai, we search for a D then De, and then Desai, Desai, Desai and yes! Name has been found. Keeping a finger just below the name we start moving the finger left to reach the total! Remember the total, rush out of the crowd and remove cell phone and open the calculator on it! Divide the marks and get the percentage!
Time stops for a moment. Then someone taps from the back and says, "Teko Kitna aaya?"
And then we round off our percentage and tell him, fearing ours will be too less compared to him we dont even ask that person sometimes! Time passes by (slowly). Many are sad, many joyous. Some start crying while to some it just doesn't matter. If you see a big crowd around a person then two things, either someone has topped else someone is crying too badly.Congratulations and "Chalta hai yaar, next time phaaad dalenge" continues as time passes by. Crowd lessens and then we see individual marks which are even more shocking. Time stops yet again, till a random friend from other branch comes up and asks, "Teko kitna aaya?" :D 
Posted By: Unknown

Teko kitna aaya?


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1 comment:

  1. Soo bloody true!!!& btw "TEKO KITNA AAYA"??? ;) :p


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